Join the PASS Legacy Group

Leave a Lasting Legacy with PALS Adult Services Society

When you leave a gift in your will, you create a legacy that extends beyond your lifetime. Your values and commitment to helping others will continue to grow, making a lasting impact on the lives of adults with neuro-developmental disabilities.

Your Gift’s Potential

Your planned gift can transform lives in profound ways:

  • Empowering individuals through employment training and job placement opportunities

  • Enhancing personal growth with skills acquisition and development programs

  • Enriching lives through art, music, speech-language, and behavioural therapies

  • Providing independent housing within a supportive, community-based environment

Your generosity ensures that adults on the autism spectrum will thrive, belong, and actively engage in their communities for years to come.

Making a Gift is Simple

It’s easy for your family lawyer to include a gift in your will. Please see below for some recommended wording you can provide them. If you need assistance finding a lawyer, we are here to help with recommendations.

Join the PASS Legacy Group

To make sure we include the gift you may be considering in our planning for the future, I would be grateful if you could complete this form once you have included a gift to PASS in your will. The information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence in compliance with privacy laws unless permission is granted to share. As soon as you complete the form, we will arrange for you to be made an honorary member of the PASS Legacy Group, which provides you access to special information, events and benefits.

Gift in Will Wording Samples

Here are two simple ways you can put a charitable gift in your Will:

  1. You can name the residue of your Estate in whole or as a proportion using percentages. The residue is what remains after taxes, administrative expenses and your heirs have received their specific gifts or proportion. An advantage is that as your circumstances change, your will does not have to be altered, as the proportion remains the same.
    Sample wording: “I bequeath the residue of my Estate (or _______% of the residue of my Estate) to PALS Adult Services Society.” 

  2. Another way is to name a specific amount.
    Sample wording: “I give $_____________ to support the work of PALS Adult Services Society.”

Considerations for Specific Designations

If you wish to designate your gift to a specific program, we recommend the following wording to ensure your legacy is realized, should that program no longer be in existence at the time the bequest is realized:

“If through the passage of time, a designated program is no longer in place, I give permission to alter the terms of my will to adhere as closely as possible to my original wishes; or in the event that this is not possible, please direct my gift to the area of greatest need.”

Our Information

The name you should include when making a gift by will is “PALS Adult Services Society”. Our Charitable Business Number is 70146 0917 RR 0001. Our address is 294 E 1st Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5T 1A6.

PALS Adult Services Society recommends that you consult a legal advisor when planning your Will.